The Purple Playhouse | Prices
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We offer full day care as well as morning and afternoon sessions. We provide care for children age 2 up to 5.


We open 5 days a week, Monday to Friday apart from 1 week over Christmas, 1 week in August and all bank holidays. We do offer flexibility during school holidays.


Full day
8.00a.m. – 5.00p.m.
£ 54.00*
(£6.00 per hour)
(meals not included)


Morning session
8.00a.m. – 1.00p.m.
£ 30.00


Afternoon Session
1.00p.m. – 5.00p.m.


Funded Session times
Monday to Friday
9-12 or 1-4


*Meal prices :

Breakfast is an option for £3.00 but most children have already had their breakfast before they arrive

Lunch- We ask parents to provide their child a packed lunch. We started this during Covid and has proved to be very successful. We are able to warm food up if needed.

*We are a nut free nursery so please could we ask you not to provide anything nut related.*


Snacks are offered twice per day morning/afternoon. This is an additional service charge depending on the hours your child attends, prices vary between £1-£2.

Children have access to water throughout the day and milk is also available and offered to them.


We do offer some flexibility with funded hours. Please speak to Linda or Jackie for more information.


The term after your child’s 3rd birthday all parents can claim up to 15 free hours per week over 38 weeks in a year through the government nursery education grant scheme.


You can access your 15 hours using two providers, we also accept 2 year funding and 30 hour funding. To find out if you are eligible for these, contact Warwickshire Early Years and Childcare Team. All contact details can be found at


All fees are payable in advance and must still be paid if your child is absent for a short period of time e.g. holiday’s or illness. If your child has to be absent over a longer period of time, please talk to Linda or Jackie.